The Perfect Music for a Wedding Ceremony

The Perfect Music for a Wedding Ceremony

Hitting The Note: Getting The Most Out Of Piano Lessons

by Samantha Meyer

Piano has always been considered one of the most beautiful and eloquent forms of musical art. While learning such an instrument may seem like an impossible thing, piano is truly an instrument that can be embraced and played by anyone. Through regular piano lessons with a seasoned piano teacher, students will learn of composition and methods to playing whether that be on a professional level or simply for enjoyment. While piano lessons are essential to students hoping to learn piano, there are key elements within the lessons that must always be practiced consistently. Here are a few things to remember for students who hope to get the most out of their piano lessons. 

The importance of practice cannot be emphasized enough when it comes to successfully learning piano. Being an instrument that cannot be learned in a day, regular practice will help allow the student to reach their goal of learning piano at a steady pace. Setting aside time each day, even for ten to twenty minutes, can greatly improve the quality of music produced. With daily practice comes consistency and self-discipline, both leading to a student who excels at their craft. Since piano can take years to fully master, it is important for the student to understand that learning this instrument will be a slow game. With this understanding comes the practice of patience, another key lesson for students. Mistakes will naturally occur but should be looked at as learning opportunities and room for improvement. Rather than being defeated by multiple mistakes, students can use them as a stepping stone for overcoming challenging piano pieces. 

Posture is another key element that will ensure students get the most out of their piano lessons. Sitting up straight and not allowing the back to hunch or shoulders to slouch will promote better posture immediately. Slouching over the keys will not only cause back pain for the student but will also make playing the piano more difficult and tiresome. Hand and wrist placement is another factor in overall posture. Hands should be help horizontally over the keys with elbows bent at a comfortable 90-degree angle, allowing for the hands, wrist, and forearms to be even and level. Fingers should be slightly bent and curled over the keys as straining the fingers too much can lead to uncomfortable twinges and hand cramps. This posturing of the hands will allow for the student to effortlessly flow across the keys. Feet should also be kept on the floor to help maintain an upright posture and placement of music sheets or books should be kept at eye level. The placement of all of these elements will help prevent discomfort for the student and lead to a more productive lesson overall. 

Using these methods for success will lead to a most fruitful and enjoyable experience for the student as they navigate the journey that is learning the piano. Understanding that practice and consistency are key elements to their ultimate progress will instill within them motivation and eagerness to learn more. Putting into place the importance of posture will allow them to be fully capable to play piano comfortably and efficiently. Though learning piano can sometimes seem like a daunting task, it is through these factors that success will prevail. 


About Me

The Perfect Music for a Wedding Ceremony

In a month, my husband and I will celebrate our eleventh wedding anniversary. I can’t believe we’ve been married for so many years. One of my favorite aspects about our wedding ceremony was the music. I selected two country tunes and a religious song to be sung at our wedding. A couple from my dad’s church sang the religious song beautifully while my cousin’s husband sang one of the country song’s perfectly. I sang the other country song to my groom. On this blog, I hope you will discover some tips for picking the perfect musical selections for an upcoming, important event. Enjoy!